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The 2024 Fashion Reporting Maturity Index

Despite efforts to improve sustainability reporting within the fashion industry, a recent study by Kōan reveals significant room for improvement.


Our analysis of 30 leading high-street fashion brands shows that while there are encouraging signs of compliance with established frameworks, overall reporting maturity lags, with an average score of just 51% - well below what we determine as 'good' - at 70%. 

Key findings indicate a preference for style over substance in sustainability reports, with impressive layouts but less robust content, especially in critical areas like materiality and assurance.

Notably, only three companies surpassed the 70% threshold —Inditex, LPP, and H&M Group.

The fashion industry faces a unique challenge

Without a clear leader setting exemplary standards, collective progress remains slow. As stakeholders demand greater transparency and accountability, it's evident that fashion brands need to elevate their reporting practices to meet not only regulatory requirements but also the expectations of a discerning public.

For a detailed look at our findings and the methodology behind our Reporting Maturity Index, click the link below to download. 

Download the report by clicking the link below.

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