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Materiality Monitor by Koan

Can you map the worlds materiality matrices into one big materiality matrix? We wanted to find out. 

We wanted to see if we could take all the materiality matrices in the world – and combine them, to get a sense of global issues, sector issues, country issues etc. We didn’t manage to get the worlds matricies (there are just too many!)– but we made a good start. 

How does it work? 

We’ve taken data from scores of company materiality exercises, published in Annual or Sustainability Report. Using AI and digital technology, we’re able to classify the results by material topic, but also by country, year that it was identified and the sector. This allows us to easily drill down into the data and plot them on a materiality matrix, that changes in real-time based on the filters we choose.

So far, we’ve incorporated over 150 companies from Europe, North America and Asia – we’re adding to this every day as our methodology is refined - whilst still maintaining the original materiality matrix from the company itself.

The more companies we have, the more detailed and precise the results. 
These companies operate across all sectors of the economy – from pharmaceuticals and real estate to banking, aviation, consumer goods and fashion.

Why is it useful?

Well, aside from looking awesome - The Monitor allows us to compare a company’s material topics directly with those of its peers, or with other sectors. 

More importantly perhaps, we’ve mapped all sector topics against the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). At the click of a mouse, we can show companies what standards and disclosure requirements they’ll have to comply with. 

Which means the Kōan Materiality Monitor can be used as a real time-saver for ESRS-compliant reporting. 

Contact us if you’d like to find out more about the Kōan Materiality Monitor.